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Freedom March: Malawi Demands Protection of Rights

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) yesterday held a Freedom March in Lilongwe to mark this year’s World Human Rights Day, leading Malawians to demand for the protection of their rights.

Judge Madise's Sermon on Prison Visitations

High court judge, Dingiswayo Madise, has appealed to his pears in the justice system and magistrates to visit the country’s prisons to assess the situation which is leading to overcrowding of inmates in the correctional facilities.

Prison Visits; Judge ‘Reminds’ Colleagues

A High Court judge Tuesday reminded fellow judges and court magistrates of their mandate to periodically go to prisons, physically, to appreciate justice concerns of inmates.

Human Rights Day: Maula Prisoners Bemoan Congestion

Prisoners at Maula prison have bemoaned the conditions of their facility and their rights in general.

HRDC Decries Human Rights in Malawi

Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) says Malawi is far from fruition of human rights as political leaders in the country are intolerant and choice of leaders is influencing by political needs.

Ntcheu Hit by Magistrates' Shortage

Delivery of justice is being obstructed by inadequate numbers of magistrates in Ntcheu district.

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