Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Chikondi Mphande

Chikondi Mphande

JZU says Ansah Must Resign

Former President of Malawi Congress Party, John Zenas Ungapake Tembo, says it is only fair that Malawi Electoral Commission chairperson, Dr. Jane Ansah, should heed calls to step down.
Village savings groups have become phenomenal in Malawi to the extend they are handling significant volumes of cash in circulation. They are now being encouraged to adopt the culture of banking which is significantly low in Malawi.
Village savings groups have become phenomenal in Malawi to the extend they are handling significant volumes of cash in circulation. They are now being encouraged to adopt the culture of banking which is significantly low in Malawi.

Using a GPS tracking system, South African Jaco Visser, has traced his two tone vehicle stolen in Cape Town last month and successfully recovered it.

Over 500 people living along the M1 road have been trained to provide first aid to victims of road accidents to save their lives.

A top education official has expressed concern that numbers of females applying for teacher training are going down in the country, a situation that has effect on the need for role models to encourage girls to enroll and stay in schools.

Three public health centres in Dedza, a district in Malawi, are operating without potable water a development that chiefs and villagers there says is worrisome and disappointing.

The National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Programme has expressed satisfaction over increased number of tuberculosis patients who are being cured from the disease in Malawi.

About 125 people have committed suicide between September 2018 to June 2019 in this country. Of these only four are women.

Minister of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare Mary Navicha says government will increase the number of social cash transfer beneficiaries and the amount of money they receive.

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