Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

Protests Turn Ugly in Thyolo

Tension is still mounting at Khonjeni in Thyolo district where the past two days irate villagers destroyed Khonjeni estate property in anger of the arrest of 8 fellow villagers accused of encroaching into the estate.

Extension of Chinakanaka-Msikawanjala road in Mulanje district which started towards the June fresh presidential elections stopped few weeks after the polls.

Beneficiaries of Affordable Input Programme (AIP) in Thyolo and Phalombe have complained of poor   network and overpricing of inputs calling upon government to move in and address the challenges.

A sigh of relief to learners at Mpala and Supuni Primary Schools in Mulanje whose classrooms were heavily damaged by strong winds three weeks ago as the Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) provides tents to the two schools.

Inmates Escape at Thyolo Prison

Police and prison have launched a joint operation in hunting two inmates who together with four others escaped from Thyolo prison on Monday.

At least 100 needy secondary school students in Malawi stand to benefit from a K6.4 million support from Airtel Malawi through a project dubbed 2 wheels 2 school. 

An oversight committee under the Community Policing Initiative has been established in Mulanje with a central role to initiate various developments at Mulanje Police Station.

As one enters Bafuta village in Traditional Authority Sunganinzeru in Mulanje district, he or she will be greeted by soil plastered toilets, clean backyard gardens for vegetables and rubbish pits.

A 20 year old Mozambican is in police custody in Mulanje for allegedly stealing a motorcycle at Mathambi trading centre in Mulanje worth K390, 000.

33 year old woman is lying in agony at Malamulo hospital in Thyolo after her friend bit and removed completely her lower lip over K500 debt.

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