Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Elijah Phompho

Elijah Phompho

A new gospel hit by Steve wa zisomo Muliya dubbed ‘Confidence yanga’ which he has featured an Afro Gospel star 'Success' is expected to hit the air waves to night.

Gospel artist Shammah Stola popularly known as Shammah vocalz has tackled stress management emanating from broken relationship in his recently released song titled 'Nsozi'.

The country's multi-faceted Gospel musician, Stevie Wazisomo Muliya has stressed on the need for the ministers of the gospel to refrain from indulging themselves in any sort of behaviors that might compromise their integrity.

Some communities in Chikwawa mainly from the areas of Group Village Headmen Masanduko and Mwananjobvu in the district have raised hunger fears indicating the situation has reached worrisome levels in their areas.

A 20-year-old man has taken his own life in Chiradzulu after his sister allegedly failed to give him back his K50 thousand she owed him.

The Coalition for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion (COPUA) has observed that Members of Parliament will continue to avoid tabling the Pregnancy Termination Bill unless they are persuaded to do so by the citizenry themselves.

Applied Development Communications and Training Services (ADCOTS) a local non-governmental organization implementing a post cyclone Freddy resilient campaign in Chiradzulu district has cited low patronage among the communities as one of the major challenges threatening the success of the initiative.

Chiradzulu district council has disclosed that it is facing some resistance to relocate some cyclone Freddy survivors from Mtauchira Village which was almost buried by the mudslides early this year.

A total of 438 boreholes were destroyed by the cyclone Freddy induced floods in the lower shire districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa leaving close to 87 000 house holds destitute in accessing clean and potable water, Zodiak has established.
Inkosi Goman of the Maseko Ngoni has called on tribal groupings in the country to be in the fore front in doing charity works especially during the time of natural disasters by cheering those who have been affected.
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