Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Elijah Phompho

Elijah Phompho

Limbe Police Wears Rainbow

Rainbow Paints says it has   spent over K18 million in painting Limbe Police Station in fulfillment of its corporate social responsibility.

The Professional Drivers Union of Malawi has disclosed that it is yet to receive response from government on their request to meet the head of state on a number of their grievances despite expiry of their 30 days ultimatum

Institutions of higher learning in the country have been challenged to put their extra efforts in research apart from teaching and learning.

Board member for the church and society of the Blantyre Synod of the CCAP church, Rev Dr Josephy Thipha says it is the church's desire to have majority of its members vaccinated against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Malawi Congress of Trade Union (MCTU) says it is at an advanced stage with its plans to carry out nationwide survey on the number of jobs government has created in the two years of its existence.

The newly appointed Minister of Energy, Ibrahim Matola has hinted that considering the extent of damage at Kapichira power station, it may take a little longer before the power plant comes back into operation.

Road accidents have claimed lives of over 200 people in the just ended year, 2021 in some three southern region districts of Blantyre, Mwanza and Neno.

The Pacific Group of Companies seeks to rehabilitate over 80 nonfunctional boreholes in Blantyre a development which is expected to ease challenges in accessing clean water in the city.

Forum for National Development (FND) has urged people in the country to desist from regarding one particular section of the society as being orchestrators of corruption, saying the corruption fight requires unison approach to be won.

The Rain Water Harvesting Association of Malawi has disclosed that the country loses bout 19 billion cubic meters of rain water every year as surface water run offs due to failure to invest in rain water harvesting techniques.

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