Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Elijah Phompho

Elijah Phompho

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has urged University of Malawi Child Rights Legal Clinic to exercise patience on its petition regarding protection of  children Rights in the country.

Candidates for the on going Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) for Chiradzulu Community Day Secondary School yesterday tussled with some community members over the use the district council hall.

About 2,840 primary school learners in Chiradzulu district dropped out of school last year alone due to, among other challenges, inadequate infrastructure as well as long distances the learners walk to access the basic education.

The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church South Lunzu district has urged people in the country to embrace the spirit of cheering one another especially in times of need such as sickness.

The ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) has described a recent decision by telecommunication companies in the country to revise upwards prices for their products as a deterrent of internet as well as telecommunications accessibility among most people in the country.

Private Schools Association of Malawi (PRISAM), an umbrella organization of private schools in the country has challenged the school owners to register with the Ministry of Education saying they stand to benefit a lot once they do that.

A global health innovator, VillageReach which aims at a strengthening medical supply chain seeks to scale up its operations in other three districts of the southern region namely Chiradzulu, Mwanza and Neno.

In a bid to curb high dropout rate among primary school learners in the country, a grouping of graduates from some of the country's universities has embarked on a primary school learners motivation initiative.

Ministry of Health has called for private sector support in ending the current power and water utility woes that have rocked almost all the country's public health facilities.

Step Kids Awareness  (STEKA) vocational skills  training center which  aims at equipping vulnerable children with vocational skills in the country has  piloted  out two courses namely tailoring and designing as well as hair dressing and salon.

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