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Dickson Chivwati Gondwe

Dickson Chivwati Gondwe

Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states have been challenged to adopt policies that could fast track appropriate legal reviews.

Researchers have recommended that priority should be put towards legume farming in order to do away with increased cases of malnutrition that arise as a result of lack of diversification.

Police have arrested 76 people that participated in Wednesday's demonstrations organized by the Human Rights Ambassadors (HRM) in Lilongwe against what they call selective justice in the judiciary.

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states have agreed to expedite the establishment of a disaster fund to strengthen the region's resilience to natural disasters.

The Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) has approved the National Food Reserve Agency to procure 50,000 metric tons of maize from 185 farmer co-operatives and Associations.

President Lazarus Chakwera has called for an emergency meeting with his alliance partners in the Tonse led administration.

Tanzanian Government has reaffirmed its commitment to provide technical support to Malawi in the realisation of well defined economic, political and trade policies.

Two human rights organizations, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation and the Youth and Society have on Wednesday boycotted dissemination meeting by the Council for Non-Governmental Organizations on the review of the Amended NGO law.

Development stakeholders have been asked to provide unwavering support towards the realization of the Malawi 2063 by inspiring others to take ownership in the implementation of the country's vision.

The Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation and the Youth and Society are planning to boycott Council for Non-Governmental Organizations-Congoma dissemination meeting on the 2022 NGO Amended Law scheduled for this coming Tuesday.

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