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CZ Chief Tightens Measures Against Early Marriages

Group Village Headman Mbalame of Chiradzulu has instituted tough measures aimed at curbing early marriages and unwanted pregnancies among young girls in the district.

Inadequate Funding Chokes Early Marriage Fight

Child rights activist Fred Nyondo has asked government to end the financial constraints choking efforts to end early and forced marriages, as the country ranks 12th in the world with 42% of children getting married before the age of 18.

Wonders of Dialogue Meetings in Neno

It’s about two hours to sunset on Tuesday at Hiwa village, Group Village Headman Chidakwani, Traditional Authority Chekucheku in Neno district.

Chiefs Challenged to End Early Marriages

Authorities in Phalombe have challenged traditional leaders to take a leading role in the fight against early marriages.

Early Marriages Fueling Abuses in Machinga

Early marriages are said to be fueling abuses against children and young women in Machinga.

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