Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

MEPIC Organizes Cultural Day

As one way of promoting cultural co-existence, MEPIC private primary school in Balaka on Friday organised a cultural day aimed at instilling the spirit from childhood.

Kwathu Drama Group to act from Billy Kaunda’s Hills of Valleys book

One of the renowned drama groups in Malawi, Kwathu Drama Group, says it will soon release a play dramatizing Billy Kaunda’s book, Hills and Valleys.

Nsanje Gears Up for Inaugural Cultural Festival

The first of its kind, a cultural festival will be held in Nsanje on July 17, 2021.

Sladge Mwathunga Wins 18 Plus Music Competition

18-year-old and form three Chambe Secondary School student Sladge Mwathunga has emerged winner of inaugural 18 plus music competition organized by Timveni, Child and Youth Organization.

Solomoni Flies Onesimus Higher

Solomoni, a song by Malawian music genius, Onesimus, has taken the artist to the iTunes Top 100 to spot.

Gospel Artist Asks Govt to Cushion Musicians

A gospel reggae musician has asked government and development partners to cushion musicians amid a difficult economic environment due to Covid 19.

Esther - New Gem in The Gospel Music Arena

It is not that easy to penetrate the gospel music industry and get noticed amid well-established names.

New Club Born to Raise Financial Support for Ailing Veteran Musicians

Some people of goodwill have formed a group called 'Get Well Soon' aimed at supporting some artists.

Msungama Drums up Support for Fatsani: Tale of Survival

Fatsani: A tale of Survival continues to gain momentum with a recent support from Minister of Youth and Sports, Ulemu Msungama.

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