City Council Commits to Clear Streets of Vendors

After a day of clashes between street vendors and those plying trade at Tsoka, a designated market in Lilongwe’s old town, the Lilongwe City Council has committed to ensure sanity

Transporters reject proposal for truckers’ perks

Back to square one; The Transporters Association of Malawi has thrown out a government proposal of K100, 000.00 as minimum monthly salary for truck drivers, the proposal

FIFA Youth Leagues' Roll Out Here

Football Association of Malawi-FAM says is now set to roll out FIFA-FAM leagues across the country following approval of funding by the world football governing body.

Communities Question MPC over Infrastructure Use

In Bangwe, Blantyre, communities are demanding answers from Malawi Postal Corporation which has let out part of a Post Office to individuals.

Communities Question MPC over Infrastructure Use

In Bangwe, Blantyre, communities are demanding answers from Malawi Postal Corporation which has let out part of a Post Office to individuals.

Governance Experts Suggest Land Commission

Governance experts have proposed the setting up of a land commission to oversee all land related issues in the country other than entrust this with the ministry of lands alone.

ITC Chief Urges Africa to Stay the Course on Integration

Head of the International Trade Center Arancha Gonzalez says she understands skeptics of Africa’s trade integration but says it is critical to start now.

Revisiting Vision 2020 with Eyes on 2063

The National Planning Commission says the Malawi economic growth has not gone at a desired rate, sufficient to achieve Vision 2020.

Central Bank Skeptical on Use of Crypto-currency

Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor, Dr. Dalitso Kabambe, says the country is not ready to embrace use of cryptocurrencies as an acceptable medium of exchange or legal tender.

Spanners in AfCFTA Agreement

Trading under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is set to commence January 2020 but expert opinion suggests there are obstacles that stand in the way of successful operationalization of the historic agreement by African Heads of State.

Vison 2020 in Still Birth

One of the architects of Vision 2020, Professor Adamson Muula, says failure of implementation of the vision is as a result of government failure to adhere to the plan.

Transporters reject proposal for truckers’ perks

Back to square one; The Transporters Association of Malawi has thrown out a government proposal of K100, 000.00 as minimum monthly salary for truck drivers, the proposal which quelled an unprecedented truck drivers’ protest.

Malawi Land Management Rot under Microscope

The Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament says there appears to be more rot in the management of public land in the country’s cities besides alleged sale of Livimbo School.

Trade Agreements ‘costly’ for Malawi

Dr. Moses Tekere, Director of Trade and Development Studies Centres in Zimbabwe says Malawi could lose eight billion Kwacha (approximately 11 million US Dollars) of its total revenue, after ratifying the Tripartite Free Trade Area TFA and the Africa Continental Free Trade Area ACFTA agreements.

Ultra poor not reached with public safety net programs

SOS Children's Village says close to 7 million ultra poor people are not being reached by government safety net programs hence failing to provide for children in their families.

ACB explains K145M police-ration-case delays

Close to one year after the Lilongwe Magistrate Court committed the controversial 145 million Kwacha Police Food Ration Corruption case to High Court, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is yet to file disclosure of evidence documents with defence lawyers for commencement of trial.

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