East & Southern African Countries Implored to Ratify ARC Treaty

Governments in Eastern and Southern Africa have been called upon to improve disaster management and financing to lessen the impact of disasters increasing due to climate change.

PAC Rebuffs HRDC

The Public Appointment Committee of parliament has quashed allegations by the Human Rights Defenders Coalition that Commissioner Richard Chapweteka is incompetent hence the need for the committee's intervention.

New Report On Managing Climate Change Risks In the Offing

The World Bank in Malawi, in its drive to support Malawi's efforts toward more diversified, competitive, shock-resilient socio-economic growth is developing a Country Climate Development report for desirable results.

SADC Heads of Mission Lobby For Removal Of Zim Sanctions

Five heads of mission from the Southern Africa Development Community have called for the removal of sanctions placed on Zimbabwe, arguing it has impacted the regional block.

MEC Assures Electorates Of A Credible By Election

Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) is assuring electorates of a credible and transparent 26th October by-election.

Man Gets 14 Years For Armed Robbery

Joseph Kainga will spend the next 14 years in jail for robbing two foreign priests at one of the lodges in Karonga.

SACCOs Chapter Two Donates to Special Needs Centre

Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO) Chapter two has stressed the need to assist children with disabilities to have access to education for them to become reliable citizens who will assist in the country’s development.

Kasungu Woman Sleeps With Decomposed Body of Daughter

A 39-year-old woman in Kasungu is in police custody for secretly keeping a dead body of her one-month-old baby in the house at Kasalika location in Kasungu municipality until it started to decompose.

YWAM Concerned with Girls Abuses

The Young Women Association of Malawi (YWCAM) has complained that young women and rural poor girls are still exposed to numerous sexual abuses in the country.

NAYO Records 50 STIs Monthly

A local organization in Blantyre has complained that lack of quality access to information on sexual reproductive health among the youth is fueling cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs).

Council Officials Drilled on PSII

The Public Sector Reform (PSR) has challenged local councils in the country to come up with viable innovations in order to improve delivery of services to the rural masses as authorities rolling out Public Sector Innovation Initiative (PSII).

Health Centre Stays Idle For 5 Yrs in Karonga

Despite government policy stating that people should access health services within a walkable distance, the situation is different to the people of Thawiro as they have to travel a distance of over 10kms in search of health services to Nyungwe health centre.

Art Therapy for Ending Child Abuses- SCI

Save the Children concluded its training on Wednesday in Neno district where it was drilling Community Facilitators on new ways of curbing sexual offenses using "Art Therapy."

Issue Maize Export Ban, Parley Ask Govt

The Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture has renewed its earlier plea to government to issue a ban on maize export suggesting a position that alleging there may be pockets of food shortages in some parts of the country.

Four Firms Growing Medicinal & Industrial Hemp-CRA

The Cannabis Regulatory Authority (CRA) says only four companies out of the 69 issued with licenses for medicinal and industrial hemp cultivation have started growing the crop in the country.

Link Youth With Opportunities -Mapemba

As Malawi continues to align its strategies towards the 2063 Agenda, one of the partners that support government in developing, implementing, or monitoring policies, Health Policy Plus, says youths can contribute better to the agenda if they are linked to opportunities.

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