Agricultural Authorities Warns Public On Tomatoes With Whitish Residues On The Skin

The Mzimba Agriculture office together with Mzuzu ADD communications department and the pesticides control board have embarked on an  awareness campaign to sensitize farmers ,sellers and consumers on the use of tomatoes applied with chemicals alleged to be harmful.

Farmers Need To Be Aggressive To Find Markets - Inna View Farms

While some farmers across the country are grappling with the problem of markets for there produce, Inna's  View Farms in Mzimba is singing a different song.

Journalists Marching For Free Press In Blantyre

As Malawi joins the international community marking the 30th Anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration and 2021 World Press Freedom Day, today, twenty journalists have been physically assaulted, threatened, subjectively arrested and questioned in the line of duty since January, 2020 in the country.

Chizuma’s Confirmation as ACB Boss on May 11

Early this week, Secretary for Justice and Solicitor General Reyneck Matemba told the nation about Martha Chizuma’s appointment as Anti-Corruption Bureau ACB’s Director-General.

Malawi Police Taken To Task On UN Mission Candidates

A leaked Malawi Police Service wireless message for officers earmarked to go for various peace keeping missions under the United Nations- UN, is alleged to comprise names of officers who failed the first set of the interviews while one has criminal record and is on interdiction.

SPECIAL REPORT: The Dilemma In Childbearing; Bwaila Hospital Interns Left To Handle Complicated Cases

In this special assignment, Grace Khombe is at Bwaila hospital in the capital city Lilongwe (Malawi) exposing weaknesses in the health system as inexperienced health professionals are reportedly entrusted to handle complicated cases especially in the maternity ward resulting in pregnant women dying in labour ward, some having to develop physical disabilities as a result of negligent maternal care.

3 Jailed For Murder in Kasungu

Police in Kasungu is keeping in custody a 44-year-old woman Joice Kadzeve and her 14-year-old son for allegedly murdering the head of the family over a family dispute.

Nsanje DHO Nurses Pen Management Over Myriad Challenges 

Nurses and Midwife Technicians (NMTs) under Nsanje District Health Office have penned management highlighting various challenges which they claim are compromising service delivery.

Anika Children’s Initiative Dresses 450 Needy Learners

A school motivation program-Anika Children’s Initiative has been launched in Mulanje with focus of providing basic scholastic materials to needy learners in schools.

MHRC, CHREAA Push for Hannif Re-arrest

Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) and Center for Human Rights Education, Advice and Assistance (CHREAA) say police must re-arrest Mahomed Hannif.

Chindiwo Beats Hunger with New Farming Tech  

James chindiwo heads a family of six. He is a father of four. He lives in the area of Group Village Headman Balakasi in Chiradzulu district.

Better Perks Vital for Corruption Fight in Media - MISA

The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi has challenged media houses to begin paying journalists well in an attempt to fight corruption in the country.

Danish Red Cross Shelters Mangochi Youth

Head of Region for Danish Red Cross in Africa, Nelima Lassen, has emphasized need to give young people safe space that allows them to be active, saying it helps the country to grow.

Hiking Club Joins Maritime Force in Fitness Tourism Walk

Hill Climbing Club (HCC) this Monday on Labour Day, May 1st joins Malawi Maritime Force (MMF) in a 20km fitness tourism walk.

PYAO Asks for Expertise in Public Funds Tracking

Phalombe Youth Arms Organization (PYAO) says lack of skills among youths to track implementation of development initiatives is affecting smooth implementation of development.

Road Tolling To Start Mid July 2021 - RFA

The Roads Fund Administration (RFA) is optimistic the country will start road tolling system in July 2021 as construction of a 2 billion Kwacha Chingeni Toll Plaza in Ntcheu nears completion.

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