Banana Farmers Yet to Uproot Old Suckers

Some Banana farmers in Phalombe and Mulanje are yet to uproot old suckers for the crop six years after the government introduced production of clean banana suckers in the wake of Banana Bunch Top Virus (BBTV).

Man Throws Himself into Shire River

An unidentified man suspected to be mentally ill is missing in Neno district after throwing himself into the Shire river.

UNICEF Pledges More Support Towards WASH in Nsanje

The United Nations International Emergency Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has underscored the need for various partners to join hands in eliminating cholera in Nsanje district.

Pupil Handed Suspended Sentence for Possessing Teargas

Thyolo Senior Resident Magistrate Asunta Maxwell has on Thursday handed-over a 12-months suspended sentence to a Standard Seven learner at Nachipere Primary School for being found in possession of teargas.

Form 2 Drop Out, Ernest, Generates Electricity for His Community

Something extraordinary is happening at Chinguwo village, Traditional Authority Chiwele in Dowa district.

Oxfam, Hygiene Village Project geared to curb Cholera

Two organizations, Oxfam and Hygiene Village Project have indicated that great progress has been made to increase water systems and sanitation infrastructure in border districts in order to prevent the spread of cholera.

119 Malawian Youths Off to Israel

Twenty-one young men out of 140 have failed to travel to Israel due to Visa and other logistical challenges.

Price Surge Delays AIP Livestock Distribution

The Ministry of Agriculture says livestock distribution under the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) has started at a slow pace in all the districts.

30-Year-Old Primary School Still at Junior Level

Chigumukire Junior Primary School in Ntcheu district has existed for 30 years without graduating into a full primary school.

CSOs Laments Poor Sanitation Within Rumphi Market

Civil Society Organisations in Rumphi have raised concerns with poor sanitation within Rumphi market claiming it is posing a threat of Cholera outbreak in the district.

No Resources for Lura Technical College in Rumphi- Govt

The ministry of labour says the abandoned Lura Technical College in Rumphi requires more resources to be completed.

Duty Bearers Called to Construct Mkhame Bridge in Thyolo

Community members from Traditional Authority Thomas and Bvumbwe in Thyolo have asked the duty bearers to construct a bridge at Mkhame river which restrains them to access social services either side when the river is full.

Govt and Donors Hike Social Cash Transfer

The government, in conjunction with donors supporting the social protection interventions has revised upwards cash transfer amounts with 57 percent and on average a beneficiary will be receiving a minimum of about K17,000, up from K9,500.

Media and Security Agencies Call to Collaborate to End Human Trafficking

Human trafficking experts have underscored need for a mutual trust and a strong collaboration between the law enforcement agencies and the media to educate the public and curb the vice.

Hospital Guard Suspected to Have Committed Suicide in Neno

A security guard at Matope health centre in Neno district has died after taking a substance suspected to be poison over family matters.

EPWP Paying Dividends - Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries of the Enhanced Public Works Program (EPWP) in Phalombe say the initiative is yielding significant benefits for the people in the district.

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