Armed Robbers Rob Meru Filling Station in ZA

Armed robbers have stolen money amounting to K5, 601, 000 at Meru Filling station near Mulunguzi Magistrate’s Court in Zomba on Wednesday.

World Bank Tips Government on Economics Growth

The World bank has tipped Malawi government to create a good relationship with the private sector as one way of enhancing the country’s economic growth.

MDGS 3 Review a Mixed Bag- MEJN

A review on the Malawi Growth Development Strategy 3 indicates that 90 percent of its total budget is going towards recurrent expenditure than flagship projects.

Police Conduct, Cause for Lost Trust

The meeting by various community stakeholders on security in Lilongwe Thursday agreed that lack of professionalism by some law enforcers has contributed to the lost trust on these men in uniform by the citizenry.

Members Protest Rev Gama’s Election as BT Synod GS

Divisions have emerged in the CCAP Blantyre Synod as some congregants say they will not remit their finances to the synod in protest to Reverend Dr. Billy Gama being the synod’s General Secretary (GS).

World Bank Tips Malawi on Economic Growth

The World bank has tipped Malawi government to create a good relationship with the private sector as one way of enhancing the country’s economic growth.

World Bank Tips Malawi on Economic Growth

The World bank has tipped Malawi government to create a good relationship with the private sector as one way of enhancing the country’s economic growth.

Donors Loud Ministry’s “Game Changer” Strategy

Donors US and UK say introduction of the Game Changer strategy by the ministry of local Government has reinvigorated local councils to dust off their long standing operational inefficiencies and improve public service delivery.

Chikwawa Lightning Deaths Now at Six

Just a day after lightning struck dead five people in Chikwawa district, a 44-year-old woman has also been killed early morning Thursday at Ngowe area in same district to bring the total to six.

Bullets Refuse to Give Away Lead

Nyasa Big Bullets have pocketed maximum six points from their central region trip where they floored the capital city giants, Silver Strikers and Civil Sporting Club.

Snr Chief Liwonde Asks for More Boreholes

Senior Chief Liwonde Machinga district has called on government and its development partners to drill more boreholes in his area as those available are located far from the people.

82, 402 Children Drop Out of School in the South

There is a shocking revelation that 82, 402 children dropped out from school in the 2018/19 academic year in the southern region alone.

MERA Devises Electricity Installer Guidelines

The Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority has attributed continuing fire accidents in the country to unscrupulous and unlicensed electrical installers.

Japanese Ambassador Tips Malawi On Economic Growth

Outgoing Japanese ambassador to Malawi has tipped the country to focus much on finding ways of improving the country’s economy, other than politics.

Faulty Boat Halts Patrols On Lake Chilwa

Almost two weeks after the ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development (MoAIWD) closed the fishing season in the country’s lakes, Zodiak understands that the only boat which the fisheries office in Phalombe uses developed a fault some months ago.

New Power Plant to Add 350 Megawatts

Government says will develop Mpatamanga Hydropower Project which is expected likely to add about 350 megawatts.

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