MCTU Supports Teachers’ Sit-in, Calls On Govt. to Revisit Paying Mechanism

The Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) has called on government to revisit and expedite review of the public service paying mechanism in order to deal with bottlenecks and challenges to do with salaries wrangles, especially among teachers.

Kottana Mysterious Death: Court Remands Three Suspects

Lilongwe Chief Resident Magistrate, Violet Chipawo, has ordered further detention of the three suspects in the sudden death of Lilongwe’ girl,  Kottana Chidyaonga.

Fishing Ban on Lake Malawi Sparks Misunderstanding on Likoma Island

Fishermen in Likoma Island have disagreed with government’s fresh sanction for a complete ban of the use of prohibited fishing nets on Lake Malawi.

Chikuli Bridge in Mulanje Submerged

Chikuli bridge in Mulanje has been submerged following heavy downpour the district has been receiving since Tuesday.

CJ Off to Mozambique

Malawi national team interim captain Christopher John Banda has secured a move back to Mozambican top flight outfit UD Songo after his club Blue Eagles and the Mozambican side agreed terms.

High Court Sends Three Murderers to Jail for Life

High Court judge, Esmy Chombo, has ordered three men sent to the gallows for murder committed in three different cases.

Clement Kafwafwa: Flames New Team Manager

The Football Association of Malawi has appointed Clement Kafwafwa as Team manager of the Senior Men’s National Team, the Flames.

GVT Reverse Decision to Hire Mwase' Assistants

Government has reversed its earlier plan to hire two deputy coaches for the Flames and instead it has given back the authority to the Football Association of Malawi-FAM.

MCP, Freedom Party Condemn DPP Over Mphepo Remarks

The Malawi Congress Party and the Freedom Party have issued separate statements condemning what they call “reckless and discriminatory’ and ‘tribalistic and nepotistic’ tendencies by leaders of the Democratic Progressive Party-DPP.

No Names for Now – ACB

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has insisted will not rush into making public names of alleged judge shoppers in the high profile elections case prematurely.

TUM Adamant on Suspending Teachers’ Sit-In

Teachers across the country have vowed to continue with their sit-in until they get their December 2019 salaries.

Floods Displace Thousands in Nsanje

About 6, 000 people have been displaced by floods in Nyachikadza area in Nsanje district.

New FAM For Players’ Minimum Wage

The first executive committee meeting of the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) was held recently in Mangochi where, among other things, delegates resolved to maintain Super League club licensing fees at K1m.

Prime Minister, African Leaders Urge UK Investors to Accelerate Economic Role in Africa

The UK-Africa Investment Summit, the first of its kind hosted by the UK Government, was attended by the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, the international development secretary, Alok Sharma, and Prince Harry.

London, United Kingdom, January 21, 2020/ -- At an oversubscribed opening ceremony for the 2020 UK-Africa Investment Summit, Monday, attended by dignitaries and delegates from 16 African countries, including President Peter Mutharika and El Sisi of Egypt, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made the case for bigger investments in Africa and called for increased and renewed partnership between the UK and Africa.

UK companies must leap at the chance to deepen economic ties with Africa, a continent with unmatched investment opportunities, several African leaders said at a high-level panel.

Referring to Africa as a booming continent with “staggering levels of growth,” Prime Minister Johnson said: “Look around the world today and you will swiftly see that the UK is not only the obvious partner of choice, we’re also very much the partner of today, of tomorrow and decades to come,” he said in his opening address.

The UK-Africa Investment Summit, the first of its kind hosted by the UK Government, was attended by the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, the international development secretary, Alok Sharma, and Prince Harry.

The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo Addo, of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould Cheikh el Ghazouani, African Development Bank President Akinwumi Adesina, and Secretary of State for International Development, MP Alok Sharma, addressed a plenary panel discussion on ‘Sustainable Finance and Infrastructure – Unlocking the City of London and UK financial services for growth in Africa.’

President Kenyatta who rang the opening bell at the London Stock Exchange (LSE) marking the launch of Kenya’s first green bond at the LSE, made the case for innovative and sustainable investments in energy infrastructure. “We all must think out of the box in terms of energy…to ensure we produce more green energy. This first-ever sovereign green bond of $41.45 million will be used to build environmentally-friendly student accommodation in Kenya.”

Responding to a question about UK-Ghana partnerships, President Nana Akufo-Addo said in a world where Africa’s wealth is undisputed, “the City of London can play a significant role in bridging Africa’s huge infrastructure gap… and LSE can be a pivot in the new relationship with the continent. Indeed, 1 in 4 consumers will live in Africa by 2030,” President Akufo-Addo said.

African Development Bank President Akinwumi Adesina announced a new $80 million Bank-DFID infrastructure financing partnership.

According to Adesina, the continent’s $68-$108 billion infrastructure investment gap per year is massive, but it depends on how you look at it. “Either the cup is half full or half empty. To us, that is a $68-$108 billion opportunity.”

Adesina added, “The issue of risk in Africa is exaggerated. The risk of loss is lower than Latin America. Yet, funds are not being channeled into Africa. There are $8 trillion of assets under management in London, but only 1 percent is invested in Africa.”

The Bank president urged investors to look to Africa and recalled the achievements of the Africa Investment Forum - a game-changing initiative led by the African Development Bank and key partners, to accelerate investment in the continent. The unique multi-sector platform is designed to advance bankable deals to financial closure. At the 2019 Forum, which took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, deals valued at $40.1 billion secured investment interest.

President Mohamed Ould Cheikh el Ghazouani of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, shared opportunities offered by the blue ocean economy and substantial reforms currently under way to attract foreign investors.

“We have reinforced security along our coasts. Other measures include the establishment of a Council on Investment. These huge efforts are showing tremendous results and it is giving comfort to investors,” he noted.

The African continent is home to eight of the 15 fastest-growing economies in the world. By 2030, 42% of the world’s youth will be African and will constitute an incredible workforce and potential consumers.

In his concluding remarks, UK Secretary of State for International Development, MP Alok Sharma expressed confidence in the continent. “Africa has a fabulous future.” Sharma announced five partnerships to mobilise private sector investment in quality infrastructure on the continent. “The City of London can play a role in mobilizing resources for Africa,” Sharma said.

Speaking earlier, Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a major announcement on the UK’s policy on climate change.

“From today, the British government will no longer provide any new direct development assistance for thermal coal mining or coal power plants overseas,” Johnson said.

The declaration aligns with the African Development Bank’s green agenda aimed at increasing investment in renewable energy. President Adesina announced last year at the UN General Assembly that the Bank was moving away from investing in coal.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB)

Muslim World League Aides Food Insecure Of Karonga


Food insecure families from the area of Traditional Authorities Kilipula and Mwakaboko in Karonga district had all the reasons to smile after the Muslim World League made available a thousand bags of free maize for their use.

Water Harvesting Key to Food Security - MP

Phalombe South Parliamentarian, Mary Mpanga, has hinted on the need for the country to embrace water harvesting concept to alleviate hunger.

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