PIH POSER and ASPIRE Projects Marry in Neno

Partners in Health through its sister projects of Program On Social Economic Rights (POSER) and ASPIRE says that there is a gap in which messages targeting adolescents are crafted which end up yielding no tangible results in fighting teen pregnancies and improve access to quality health care.

DODMA Says Cyclone Here to Stay

The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) has conceded that climatic hazards, like cyclones, dry spells and heavy rainfall have come to stay.

Ufulu Wathu Calls for Continued Support towards Cyclone Freddy Survivors

A local organization in Phalombe - Ufulu Wathu has called on the corporate world and organizations to continue helping cyclone Freddy survivors with food as they have nothing to lean on.

Tremour Walks His Last Mile

On Wednesday, Malawians of all walks of life united to send off one of the country’s afro pop music sons, Victor Yaphama Mwangobola popularly known as Tremour.

CHREAA Reiterates Calls Zomba Maximum Prison Rehabilitation

Centre for Human Rights Education, Advice and Assistance (CHREAA) has reiterated calls for the government to rehabilitate or else relocate the inmates at Zomba Maximum prison to other correctional facilities, years after Malawi Prison Inspectorate declared the prison unfit, owing to its state.

Low Turnout Worries NGO Implementing Post Cyclone Freddy Resilient Campaign in CZ

Applied Development Communications and Training Services (ADCOTS) a local non-governmental organization implementing a post cyclone Freddy resilient campaign in Chiradzulu district has cited low patronage among the communities as one of the major challenges threatening the success of the initiative.

Stakeholders Decry Growing Crime Rate in Thyolo

Thyolo District Commissioner Rosemary Nawasha has expressed concern over the district's 48 percent increase in crime rate for the past six months, describing the situation as a threat to development.

ZBS Celebrates with NPL On 30th Anniversary

Nation Publications Limited (NPL) says it looks forward to 30 more years of learning, teaching and delivery in service of the country as it celebrates 30 years in the news industry.

Borrowers’ Nightmare: RBM Hikes Policy Rate to 24%

Amid economic tantrums that the country is going through, Malawians should yet again brace for tough times ahead as the Central Bank, Reserve Bank of Malawi has announced an upward adjustment of the policy rate.

Conservation Of Environment A Need To the Youths

A local organization Kuwala has tipped the youths in the country to always take issues concerning conservation of the environment at heart.

BSP Registers Progress in Promoting Quality Services

Officials from Blantyre Service Providers (BSP) Group say tremendous progress has been made in supporting both local and cross border traders to offer quality services to their clients.

Mulanje NGO Drills Girls in Arts

A local Non-Governmental Organization based in Mulanje, Othakarhakha Charity Foundation organized a one-week girls’ empowerment art camp in Mulanje.

Neno and Zomba in €900,000 and $150,000 Disaster Projects

Neno and Zomba districts have been earmarked to benefit from a two-year €900,000 and $150, 000 disaster risk management basket under the Localisation Drive project funded by Save the Children-Italy.

Teenage Sex Worker Jailed for Stabbing Fellow Sex Worker

The Mangochi Third Grade Magistrate's Court on Wednesday July 26, 2023, convicted and sentenced an 18-year-old girl, Alinafe Tonny, to one-year imprisonment with hard labour for stabbing another girl over a man.

Woman Arrested for Suspected Murder of a Sister in Thyolo

Police in Thyolo have arrested 22-year old Chikondi Samera from Magombo village, Senior Chief Nchiramwera in connection to the murder case of her younger sister, Mwai Phiri aged 12 at a rest house Monday night.

Mulanje Police Registers 8.5% Crime Decrease

Police in Mulanje have announced a decrease in crime by 8.5% percent in the first six months of 2023. This is in comparison to the same period last year.

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