UNHCR Intensifies COVID-19 Preparedness Amid Poor Hygiene at Dzaleka

UNHCR's Senior Protection Officer, Henok Ochchalla says Dzaleka refugee camp in Dowa is highly congested with over 40,000 refugees staying in the camp and that hygienic conditions leave a lot to be desired hence a hot-spot for coronavirus outbreak.

UTM Cuts Short Covid-19 Interventions

UTM has been forced to cut short the distribution of detergents and dissemination of information on Covid-19 across the country.

Nissan Malawi sets pace in fighting against Coronavirus

Nissan Malawi on Wednesday donated sanitary items to Kamuzu International Airport to fight against the likely spread of Coronavirus.

Muluzi Case Stalls

The Supreme Court of Appeal on Monday failed to resume hearing a 14 year old K1.7 billion corruption case that involves former president, Dr. Bakili Muluzi.

COVID19 - FAM, SULOM to Meet Over 2020 Football Calendar

Football Association of Malawi- FAM and Super League of Malawi- SULOM are expected to meet over the weekend to discuss on the possibility of changing the 2020 football calendar following the suspension of the kick-off of the this year’s football season due to coronavirus concerns.

COVID19-World Chess Olympiad Postponed: CHESSAM Concerned

The Chess Association of Malawi-CHESSAM says the postponement of this year’s World Chess Olympiad is a blessing in disguise as it will provide an opportunity for the association to enhance its preparations as well mobilize adequate resources in readiness for next year’s event.

Tokyo 2020 Olympics Postponed Over Coronavirus Concerns

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics have been postponed, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced Tuesday.

CFTC Cautions 11 Pharmacies On Over-charging Items

The Competition and Fair Trading Commission has given seven days to eleven pharmacy shops in Lilongwe and Blantyre to immediately cease and desist excessive pricing of sanitizers, masks and gloves as failure to do so will lead to the sanctioning of the shops.

Premier Lotto Opens New Volleyball Court For Residents of Blantyre

A new state of the art volleyball court has officially opened in Blantyre, thanks to work from Premier Loto.

MCTU Fears for Workers’ Livelihoods

The Malawi Congress of Trade Unions is scared that livelihoods for employees in institutions that could be forced to close by the spread of the deadly coronavirus could be adversely affected.

Presidential Elections Set for July 2

The Malawi Election Commission (MEC) has announced that the fresh presidential elections will be held on 2 July this year, contrary to the parliament recommended 19 May.

“MEC Continues to Contest Court Judgment” – Expert

A leadership and governance expert says MEC roll out of an electoral calendar on Monday is the commission’s continued contestation of 3rd February judgment that nullified the 2019 elections.

Equatorial Guinea Waivers Fees for Oil Companies Over Effect of Coronavirus

The Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons (MMH) of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea decided on the waiving of its fees for services companies in the country.

COVID-19 Containment Measures Not Inclusive - AFDB

African Federation of the Deaf Blind, AFDB has expressed concern that little has been done to provide people with disabilities with guidance and support for when COVID-19 pandemic strikes.

Jack Ma and Alibaba Donate COVID-19 Medical Equipment to Africa

Africa’s response to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) outbreak received a boost today as the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and the Government of Ethiopia received a consignment of medical equipment from the Jack Ma and Alibaba Foundations.

COVID-19 Halts Cannabis Investor’s Preps

One of foreign investors interested in industrial hemp production in the country says the COVID-19 outbreak has affected progress of their plans to invest in the country.

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