Mobile Markets Better Options to Ease Congestions in AIP Selling Points

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security says mobile markets are the only options to ease congestion and struggles in buying farm inputs under the Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) registered in most selling points across the country.

All impregnated Girls at Satemwa Primary School in Mulanje Return to School

Satemwa Primary School in Mulanje has registered 100% re-enrollment rate of girls impregnated during COVID-19 holiday.

JASS Calls for vigilance in HIV/AIDS Fight in Neno

Women under the banner Justice Associates has called on its members to stand film and fight HIV alongside Covid-19.

WFP Joins COVID-19 Fight in Malawi

World Food Programme (WFP) with support from the Iceland government has joined a fight against COVID-19 by increasing COVID-19 health facilities at the country’s entry points.

Over 8 Million Children Denied Right to Identity

The National Registration Bureau (NRB) has conceded that over eight million children in Malawi under the age of 16 are being denied the right to legal identity for their speedy access to justice and other social services.

Save the Children to Pump MK42.6 Million for Youth Empowerment in NU

Concerned with high levels of unemployment among youths in Ntcheu, child focus organization, Save the Children said will release 42.6 Million Kwacha as start-up capital to 90 youth groups in the district.

NPC Advices Donors to Change Their Narrative About Malawi

National Planning Commission has advised the donor community to review their reporting style on Malawi’s development which discourages potential investors from coming to Malawi.

Study Recommends Livelihood Programs Among the Urban-Poor to Curb COVID-19

A study conducted by students and lecturers from Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), has revealed that a section of the urban poor are at most risk to the threat of COVID-19.

Kaliati Reproves Social Welfare & Child Protection Workforce

Minister of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare, Patricia Kaliati has called on social welfare and child protection workers to start delivering impressive and notable results in their roles of promoting social-economic empowerment and protection of women and children using community and welfare approaches.

Funding Hitches Threat to Development- Chilima

State Vice President, Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima says unless government funds meant for various developments are readily available, development will continue to suffer in the country.

Depts Differ on GBV Statistics in Mulanje

There are conflicting figures on cases of gender based violence registered by government departments in Mulanje.

Financial Institutions Bail out CK Teachers

Teachers pending retirement have the chance to achieve   sustainable personal economic development as numerous money lending institutions are flocking to rural areas in Lower Shire to provide loans at affordable interest rates.

Men Shun HIV Testing in Neno

It has been revealed that men are shunning HIV testing services in Neno district with more women turning up for the services.

Attorney General Processing Bushiri's Extradition

Attorney General, Dr. Chikosa Silungwe, says he will be submitting authority to proceed for Homeland Security minister, Richard Chimwendo-Banda, to sign for the extradition of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary.

Low Funding Choking Fight Against GBV in Mzimba South

Mzimba South district social welfare office says insufficient funding from the government is hampering its efforts to fight gender based violence as cases are still on the rise in the district. 

Amid Hope, Xenophobia Threatens AfCFTA Gains

African leaders have struck a deal; effecting the ambitious African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in January next year.

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