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Malawi Farmers Hail AFLs Blue Deebaj Fertilizer Products

Malawi Farmers Hail AFLs Blue Deebaj Fertilizer Products

For the fourth crop season now in Malawi, Hosten Kathelamo, has consistently used Blue Deebaj branded fertilizer products and services from Africa Fertilizers Limited-AFL-and he attests that it has always paid him back quality crop and a bumper yield.

“For the four years that I have used Deebaj NPK and Urea, I have never had issues. This is because I use it for instruction. The result has been a huge harvest on my one and a half-acre piece of land,” he says disclosing that he grows maize, beans, soybeans, groundnuts, and potatoes.

Kathelamo lives in Kukada village in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Kaphuka in Dedza district in the central region. The village is located some 18 kilometers from town and as the blessings of the rains pour down, her maize crop field is all beautifully green.

“I am thankful for the fertilizer that I have been using. This is the result of using Blue Deebaj fertilizers. They are affordable and bring the desired results. Look at my crop field,” she says.

Blue Deebaj fertilizers are a product of Africa Fertilizer Limited-AFL- a fertilizer distribution company which has an ever-growing network of markets across the Africa continent.

Through one exclusive AFL initiative, small-scale farmers, in organized groups, are able to get fertilizers delivered to their homes for free.

Additionally, AFL has a helpline that it uses to offer different agronomic services to all its valued customers.

“Throughout its' years of operation, farmers have shown gratification for the fertilizers that it supplies as it guarantees food security to most households in Malawi through increased yields.

“Africa Fertilizers Limited is also working hand in hand with farmers to provide them with good agronomic recommended practices to improve crop yield,” says AFL head of Agronomy Elizabeth Addo Likubwe.

AFL distributes Blue Deebaj branded NPK 23-10-5+6s+1zn, UREA 46%, CAN, Sulfate of Ammonia, and Super D compound through companies Zathu Trading, Chipiku, Eneka, and others.

For over 16 years now, at AFL, the focus has been on the provision of the best value for money to local small-scale farmers by offering world-class products and services in Malawi in a partnership with the ministry of agriculture through the Affordable Input Subsidy Program-AIP.

The company has made available high-quality fertilizer for commercial and smallholder farmers. It has also provided crop-specific recommendations to farmers through AFL extension officers.

Smallholder maize farmer, Alex Simeon, of Mbeluwa village in the area of Traditional Authority Ndalama in Thyolo attests to this. He says AFL extension workers drilled him and a group of villagers in his area on the best and recommended ways of using Blue Deebaj fertilizer products.

“My crop field is all green now. This fertilizer is very good. I followed all instructions and it has worked out. I have a healthy and admirable maize crop,” Simeon says.

AFL Agronomist Joshua Caleb Mkandawire says “Our priority is customer satisfaction and we are continuously in contact with our end-users in order to efficiently meet the needs of the market,” adding “AFL has distributors and agro-dealers throughout the country.

Those interested to be part of AFL through the distribution of our products can directly contact us through our helplines or email”.

Today, AFL is friends with many raw material and end product suppliers and consequently enjoys a position of the preferred company to go to by various fertilizer companies in the region.

The fertilizer company which began its work in Africa in 2010 in Mozambique, is now catering for corporate farms as well as smallholder farmers in the Southern African market through its various offices in Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, and Kenya in East Africa.

Helplines (0986344344, 0886344344) or Email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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