FDH Bank Donates K2 million to IPMM Conference
The Institute of People Management in Malawi (IPMM) has received a financial boost of K2 million from FDH bank towards the preparations for its annual conference in Mangochi slated from 11 to 12 November this year.
The bank’s Head of Human Resources, Chrispine Chikwama, says the conference offers an opportunity for practitioners to discuss topical issues affecting human resource management.
“Our own human resource will benefit from this conference by interacting and networking with other human resource professionals,” said Chikwama.
IPMM President Goodwin Ng’oma said this year will be a continuation of last year's theme, centered around embracing professionalism ethical behavior and integrity in human resource management in the changing world.
Ng’oma says the conference is aimed at renewing each other’s knowledge on up-to-date information concerning human resource management.
“We normally get renowned presenters to come and update us with new things that are happening in the business environment and that affect human resource. This year we have invited a well renowned HR speaker Pepe Minambo from Kenya and we believe that there will be a change in human resource after his presentation,” Ng’oma said.
(By Mathias Mkupasha)