Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Christopher Sande

Christopher Sande

The Minister of Information and Digitalization, Gospel Kazako has encouraged organizations and well-wishers to demonstrate honesty and accountability when reaching out to desperate flood survivors that were hit hard by the recent cyclone Ana.

The Blantyre City Council (BCC) says it has made a proposal of MK20 billion to government and development partners to root out informal settlements in the city amid reports that such construction works along rivers are exposing people to floods.

As the Catholic church is planning to hold a national missionary day for children at Bangwe in Blantyre this Sunday, children have been asked to utilize the activity to develop a culture of assisting fellow needy and vulnerable children who are living in stressful conditions.

A development organization, Challenges Malawi, says the 1 billion kwacha pumped into the rejuvenation of Value Addition Centers, VACs, in four districts in the country has assisted to increase agricultural productivity and crop sales.

Some girls and non-governmental organizations have singled out failure by authorities to consolidate sexual reproductive health policy and education policy as a major factor fueling unplanned teenage pregnancies in the country.

The Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) says is in constant discussion with the Malawi Police Service and the Judiciary to establish permanent measures to pin down perpetrators of currency counterfeiting in the country.

Concerned farmers in Machinga have asked government to move in fast to stop vendors from disrupting and monopolizing the purchase of fertilizer in the ongoing Affordable Input Program (AIP).

Population Services International (PSI) and Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation (EGPAF) say targeting the youth and young women with Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PreP) and Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision (VMMC) services can assist the country to drastically reduce the risk of new HIV infections in the country.

The Malawi Against Physical Disabilities (MAP) has implored government to construct new medical rehabilitation facilities in central and northern regions to reduce the struggle that Malawians are facing in travelling long distances to access services at Kachere Rehabilitation Centre in Blantyre.

Communities in Blantyre have asked government and development partners to broaden bursary opportunities to poor learners arguing that lack of alternatives to get resources for survival among low-income households is exposing more rural girls to sexual abuses.

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