Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Christopher Sande

Christopher Sande

Health authorities in Chikwawa have asked development partners to extend Kasinthula Emergency Treatment Unit which is currently overstretched by the increasing number of patients with severe COVID 19 symptoms.

Hunger Hits Chikwawa

Authorities in Chikwawa have asked government to urgently start distributing food to hunger stricken households claiming that some people are sleeping on empty stomach.

The Magistrate’s Court in Chikwawa has ruled that three people that were found with 913 bags of fertilizer early December last year have a case to answer.

The Magistrate Court in Chikwawa has ruled that three people that were found with 913 bags of fertilizer in early December last year have a case to answer.

Mia Buried in Chikwawa

The body of Vice President of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Mohammad Sidik Mia  has been laid to rest with a call to government to fulfil all development projects which late Mia lined up to be implemented in the Lower Shire.

Communities in Chikwawa have questioned the seriousness of health officials in containing COVID-19 after allowing body of a person who died of COVID-19 to be ferried to Karonga, about 900 kilometers away.

Nchalo Greenbelt Under Fire

About 600 cotton farmers and more than 25 workers under Nchalo Greenbelt Limited in Chikwawa have lambasted authorities for failing to pay them their monthly dues for seven months now.

Independent Pentecostal Church in Ngabu area in Chikwawa has handed over a decent house worthy K904, 000 to a family that has two children with albinism.

Authorities in Chikwawa have cited  increased cases of child neglect as one of the main factors fuelling abuses against little girls as statistics indicate that more than 20 children have been defiled in past two months in the district.

Communities surrounding Chithumba area under Chief Chapananga in Chikwawa have asked authorities to extend Chithumba Health Center which currently has no maternity wing.

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