Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Christopher Sande

Christopher Sande

A Contractor in the construction works of the canal under the Shire Valley Transformation Program has complained of massive theft of construction materials by some workers and surrounding communities in Chikwawa district.

A veteran photo Journalist James Chimphweya has died.

There is hope that the land of poor people will be protected from grabbing as government finally rolls out the registration of landholder ownership exercise in Chikwawa district.

Some angry People have stormed the District council's office in Chikwawa to push the DC to replace Sub T/A Masache.

Low turnout orchestrated by hot weather and farming activities along Shire river has marred voting in Makhuwira South Ward by-election in the Lower Shire district of Chikwawa.

MEC Calls for Impartiality

Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has asked the District Election Support Team to be impartial in the management of the poll in Makhuwira South ward slated for November 10, 2020.

The First Grade Magistrate’s Court in Chikwawa on Thursday adjourned a case where 38 year old Man Lenald Kanyama is accused of defiling an eleven year old girl in Chikwawa.

Two well-known human rights organizations have added voice in asking authorities to put in place tough penalties to punish rape and defilement offenders.

Majete Wildlife Reserve has introduced an outdoor adventure program targeting children and the youth with an aim of protecting the environment.

As the Campaign is getting hotter in Makhuwira South ward in Chikwawa, Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has asked political parties to avoid political castigation so as to motivate more people to cast their vote on 10 November this year.

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