Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Christopher Sande

Christopher Sande

Chikwawa Diocese of the Catholic Church on Thursday launched a tree planting programme at Kunyondo Primary School where it suggested a massive civic education exercise to halt land encroachment.

Ngabu, Lundu Trade Barbs

The embattled Senior Chief Ngabu of Chikwawa has asked President Peter Mutharika to institute a fresh commission of inquiry to probe his conduct.


Hundreds of people from Ngabu area in Chikwawa district on Tuesday stormed the district council offices to present a petition in which they are demanding that President Peter Mutharika should re-instate Senior Chief Ngabu.


In Chikwawa district, where people have not been spared the whip of hunger this season, traditional leaders are reporting situations beckoning rapid response.

A girl child has been killed and three others seriously injured in Nsanje after walls of the houses they were living in fell on them.

A girl child has been killed by floods while three other people have been injured in Nsanje district after walls of the houses collapsed following rains upstream.

About 6, 000 people have been displaced by floods in Nyachikadza area in Nsanje district.

In Chikwawa district, crocodiles freeing flooding Shire river to feeder rivers are reportedly terrorizing people of Ndakwera area in the district.


People of Ngabu and Masache in Chikwawa are accusing staff Dolo Health Centre in the district of ill-treating patients arguing that the health workers open and close the facility as they wish.

Close to 200 people living with HIV in Chikwawa district are benefiting from a new social protection program that aims to ensure sustained livelihoods for the people.

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