Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Christopher Sande

Christopher Sande

Health authorities have disclosed that about 20, 000 mosquito nets have been distributed to cyclone Freddy survivors in the southern region in an effort to prevent the spread of malaria.

Vice President, Saulos Chilima has pleaded with Cyclone Freddy victims in Blantyre to stop living in hills, persuading them to cooperate with authorities to live in safer places.

MCCL Supports Flood Survivors

A public and private partnership company, Malawi Cargo Centre Limited (MCCL) has expressed hope that urgent establishment of response and recovery plans will create more opportunities for partners to provide adequate support to Cyclone Freddy flood victims in the southern region.

The Malawi Red Cross Society says it has so far received cash donations of 432 million kwacha from well-wishers and the corporate world to support Cyclone Freddy survivors.

As most roads remain cut off in the southern region, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has asked well-wishers and development partners to support Malawi with more helicopters to urgently supply food aid to survivors of Cyclone Freddy.

As government and partners continue to support flood survivors, scores of children are in a state of shock and despair at Kapeni demonstration, Manja and other rescue centres in Ndirande township in Blantyre and Likoswe and Mpama in Chiradzulu as their parents are still missing due to the effects of cyclone Freddy.

It was a unity of purpose. Several well-wishers and politicians spent almost the whole Tuesday visiting flood survivors including children in Blantyre where they supported the victims with food and non-food items.

Officials at Blantyre District Health Office say with around 8, 000 cholera doses in stock, they have stepped up efforts to integrate cholera and Covid vaccines to ensure that people access the vaccines and contain the diseases.

As the World is commemorating hearing day today, the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Program (MLWP) says it has commenced a study that will screen 1, 000 learners in Blantyre to probe their hearing efficiency.

Health authorities in Blantyre have turned Limbe and Gateway health centres into cholera referral facilities to provide comprehensive treatment to unstable patients.

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