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Registered Cholera Case Wakeup Call- MHEN

Malawi Cholera Cases (Filephoto) Malawi Cholera Cases (Filephoto) VOA

The Malawi Health Equity Network (MEHN) says the cholera case registered in Nathenje in Lilongwe should be a wakeup call for Malawi to be fully prepared in case there is an outbreak of the disease.

Executive Director for MEHN George Jobe says there is a need to identify weak points and address the outbreak now before the rainy season starts.

The Lilongwe District Health Office on Saturday confirmed one cholera case has been registered in Nathenje after some tests were made on a 54-year-old woman.

Spokesperson for the office, Richard Mvula says the results for this woman came out positive and she remains quarantined.

Now, MEHN says this should be a awake up call for Malawi.

The MEHN Executive Director says there is need to engage an extra gear in preparation for the rainy season.

“This should be a wakeup call to Malawi, especially knowing that we are not into the rainy season and already, we have registered a case,” Jobe said.

“There is a need to identify what should be our weak points. MEHN has been suggesting a budget increase in issues to do with water, sanitation and hygiene.”

Jobe said this was the right time the Ministry of Health through Health Surveillance Assistants started distributing chlorine and other chemicals to treat water.

“And also the water department should start providing reliable water to such areas,” Jobe said.

Ministry of Health spokesperson Joshua Malango says all necessary measures are being put in place to avoid further spread of the disease as the rainy season  approaches.

“We have already started disseminating information to communities on prevention and control of cholera. We are also continuously training health workers on cholera but also people should know that effective treatment is available,” Malango said.

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Last modified on Monday, 04/11/2019

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