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Review Public Accounts Laws- Government Told

Malawi Parliament building Malawi Parliament building

Former Chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament says Malawi has no clear legislation that can be used to punish people who abuse public funds.

Alekeni Menyani has advised Capitol Hill to review the laws so that abuse of public resources is put at check.

“There is the Public Audit Act and Public Finance Management Act. These two have failed to connect from what the parliament has recommended to who should take action,’’ said Menyani.

The former legislator for Dedza North West Constituency said this in Lilongwe at a panel discussion organised by AICC, Oxfam and Transparency International ahead of the Anti-Corruption day, which falls on every 9 December.

The discussion centred on whether Auditor General’s report are important in curbing corruption in Malawi.

Said Menyani: “We need to be bold enough as a country to review these legislations because the committee has no powers to recommend for prosecution, for example.”

Lilongwe based governance expert Joe Ching’ani feels despite that it is good to continue auditing Government Ministries and Departments, the outcomes are not respected.

“We have a problem of not respecting results of the Auditor General’s report. As a result, abuse of public funds and corruption in the public sector continues,”said Ching’ani.

Every year, the office of the Auditor General reveals massive plunder in public institutions like local councils.

The panel discussion was delivered from 2018 Auditor General’s report by Oxfam Malawi.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 10/12/2019

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