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State Capture in Malawi: Youth And Society

Kajoloweka: This is state capture Kajoloweka: This is state capture pic by Towera Kumwenda

The Youth and Society-YAS-says recent events in Malawi are a critical pointer to evidence of state capture and call for speedy action to save the country.

YAS Executive Director, Charles Kajoloweka, makes reference to the late night quashing, by a Zomba magistrate court, of a case process against FDH Holdings Group Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Thom Mpinganjira, being pursued by the ACB.

“We've seen business people, institutions establishing themselves as a state within the state,” said Kajoloweka.

“A society in which you have unelected officials running the affairs of the state, dictating to public institutions. That’s probably what we've seen in Zomba,” he said.

YAS has since demanded for immediate stepping down of Dr. Mpinganjira as board chairperson for electric power distributer Escom.

The organization also said it is imperative for the ACB to launch investigations into Zomba senior resident Magistrate, Ben Chitsakamile, whose court sat Wednesday night.

ACB Director General, Reyneck Matemba, has openly criticized the judiciary for what he called its “rotten” conduct in reference to what the magistrate has done.

Matemba’s view is backed by respected law professor Garton Kamchedzera who says in effect, the Zomba magistrate order has no legal authority.

Mpinganjira was arrested following allegations of his alleged involvement in attempts to bribe the five constitutional court judges trying the presidential election case.

Read 3545 times

Last modified on Friday, 24/01/2020

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