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Tobacco Market to go Ahead Despite a Lockdown-TC

Tobacco Market to go Ahead Despite a Lockdown-TC

Tobacco Commission says the tobacco market will not be affected despite the directive by government for Malawi to go into a 21 days lockdown, but has however intensified measures to be followed at the tobacco floors.

Tobacco sales are Scheduled to commence from 20th, 22nd, 27th April in Lilongwe, Chinkhoma and Limbe respectively with Mzuzu floor commencing on May 4.

With about 16 registered coronavirus cases, and two deaths Malawi has like many other countries effected a 21 days lockdown in order to contain the further spread of the virus while also managing the current confirmed and suspected cases.

Many preventative measures by various stakeholders have been put in place so as to prevent the spread of COVID 19, with some companies allowing their employees to work from home.

Governments announcement on the 21 days lockdown is likely going to force some institutions which had already come up with their plans to reconsider how they are going to conduct their business.

However the Tobacco Commission has to Zodiak online that the tobacco markets will still be open from 20th April this year but with strict prevention guidelines to be followed to prevent further spread of the Coronavirus.

Corporate and Business Development Manager for TC Hellings Nasoni confirming the development.

"The markets will operate as we earlier announced in line with the earlier presidential directive but also with the current directive as covered on exemptions under the agriculture services in the lockdown directive issued by the ministry of health, so markets are proceeding with those the directives" Nasoni pointed out.

Nasoni says a number 252 has been put in place for farmers to contact the buyers if they want to follow the markets proceedings.

Read 3293 times

Last modified on Friday, 17/04/2020

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