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Religious Bodies Turn To Prayer for Peace Towards Elections

Nyondo: We need prayer Nyondo: We need prayer File Photo

The Public Affairs Committee PAC says it will not relent facilitating mediation talks amongst political party leaders especially at this time when the country prepares for a fresh presidential election.

PAC is in talks with political party leaders in the country to discuss issues of peace and coexistence.

The religious body's publicist Gilford Matonga says the political mudslinging and use of derogatory language amongst political leaders during this campaign period is very appalling.

"For peace to prevail in this country political party leaders should desist from castigating one another and focus on issue based politics." said Matonga.

According to Matonga the body has already met some opposition political party leaders as well as President Peter Mutharika on the same.

PAC's intervention follows reactions from some quarters in the general public condemning the use of derogatory words by President Peter Mutharika against former president Joyce Banda about a week ago.

Meanwhile the C.C.A.P Synod of Livingstonia through its General Secretary Rev. Levi Nyondo says now is the time to pray for peace ahead and beyond the fresh presidential poll.

"We are concerned as a church with the kind of politics being practiced in the country, we feel prayer is the only way to deal with the situation." said Nyondo

Parliament is expected to come up with the new date for the fresh elections as per the Con-Courts ruling on 3rd February 2020.

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Last modified on Sunday, 07/06/2020

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