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Feed the Children in Food and Nutrition Project

Feed the Children in Food and Nutrition Project
Feed the Children has intensified efforts aimed at eradicating malnutrition and stunting among children in some parts of Mzimba, Rumphi, and Salima districts.
Feed the Children National Coordinator Taonga Mhango said improved nutrition is key to ensuring that children grow to their full potential as they perform better in their academic endeavors.
Mhango said the organization is cascading messages of food and nutrition through care groups that drill communities on the preparation of nutritious food for their communities.
"We have been working in Mzimba for about 10 years now with a focus to ensuring that households are able to prepare balanced nutritious food for their families which has an impact on the growth of children", said Mhango.
However, Mhango echoed other nutrition-focused organizations' sentiments in advocating for increased funding towards nutrition interventions in the country.
" We actually want an increased funding for nutrition-related interventions so that we reach out to more people if we are to have a healthy nation",said Mhango.
Apart from the food and nutrition project which in Mzimba is being implemented in the area of Inkosi Mzikubola and Sub chief Chiputula Mndhlane, the organization is also promoting water and sanitation hygiene among communities.
Among others, households are being encouraged to have basic pit latrines equipped with handwashing gadgets.
" We are complementing our food and nutrition project with interventions in WASH where among others we are promoting behavior change and encouraging the construction of basic toilets in communities where we are working",said Mhango.
Speaking during a food and nutrition open day at Tupwenge in the area of Sub Chief Chiputula Mndhlane, a  Nutrition officer from the Mmbelwa district council Gift Simkonda hailed the food and nutrition project being implemented by Feed the Children saying its complimenting the council's efforts in ending malnutrition and stunting in the district.
Simkonda said stunting levels are currently hovering around 39% in the district hence the need for interventions that can change the trends and improve the nutrition of many households.
"We as the council commend the interventions in nutrition being implemented by Feed the children which is one of the organizations doing a lot in the sector," said Simkonda.
In his remarks Sub Chief Chiputula Mndhlane said since the inception of the food and nutrition project his area has seen a decline in malnutrition-related illnesses.
Feed the Children is also implementing village savings and loans interventions in their catchment areas to empower communities economically hence improving their livelihoods.
The interventions being implemented by Feed the Children in the districts of Mzimba, Rumphi and Salima are being funded through children sponsorship.
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Last modified on Thursday, 09/12/2021

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