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NGO Supports Community Policing Forums in GBV Fight

NGO Supports Community Policing Forums in GBV Fight

A Mzuzu based Non Governmental Organization - Purple Innovations for women and girls has deplored continued cases of gender based violence in the area of Inkosi Chindi in Mzimba which are impacting negatively on the social economic rights of women and girls.

Purple Innovations for women and girls Program Manager Tchakazulu Mvula made the remarks Thursday when the organization supported members of community police forums with reflector jackets for easy identification and K720,000 to ease their mobility challenges in following up cases of GBV.

"We have supported them with the reflector jackets to ensure their visibility and identification in the communities they are working and the money is for them to use in case management like in following up gender based violence cases," said Mvula.

Officer in Charge for Euthini police Rhodes Chitera commended the organization for the support saying it will ensure easy identification of the community policing members while the money will help them in mobility when making follow ups of gender related cases.

"The support is timely because here we deal with a lot of gender based cases like defilement, rape, assault and many others so the money will assist our community policing members in following up such cases," said Chitera.

Chairperson for Chindi community policing forum Nelson Ngwira said the support is timely as it will enhance efficiency in their work saying in the past they were finding problems to reach some places to follow up on GBV cases.

"We have many cases which need following up so with the funds we have received today we will ensure that we work hand in hand with the police so that we look into all the outstanding cases", said Ngwira

Statistics in the victim support register for Euthini indicates that 73 cases of gender based violence have been registered in the area from January to April in the area.

With funds from Women Peace and Humanitarian Fund and Spotlight Initiative through UN women, Purple Innovations for women and girls is also supporting survivors of GBV, women forums and women who are running small scale businesses in their efforts to end GBV.

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Last modified on Friday, 12/05/2023

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