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21-Year Jail Term for Robbing Guests at a Lodge in Mzuzu

21-Year Jail Term for Robbing Guests at a Lodge in Mzuzu

Principal resident magistrate Clemence Chamwenda sitting at the Mzuzu court registry has sentenced six men to 21- years imprisonment with hard labour each, for robbing guests at Royal Gardens Lodge at Lubinga in the city on 4th August this year.

The six (jailed) and two others who are still at large, robbed property which included cellphones, laptops, clothes, and cash among others worth over 7 million Kwacha.

State prosecutor Assistant Superintendent Vickness chinseu Simwinga of Mzuzu police told the court on Wednesday this week, that the convicts had planned to commit the offense as they were equipped with panga knives, metal bars, camouflage clothes, and face masks.

“Your worship, these are dangerous criminals and they are a threat to the security of people such that they deserve a harder sentence,” said Assistant Superintendent Simwinga.

Of the six, four are ex-convicts while the other two are first offenders, and their plea for mercy from the court when sentencing was not entertained.

In his judgment, Principal Resident Magistrate Clemence Chamwenda said the crime the accused committed, has the potential to harm the business of the lodge.

Replied magistrate Chamwenda; “It has pleased this court to send you to jail for 21 years each. Your actions may have a negative impact on the lodge, as people will have trust issues with its security”.

Meanwhile, Mzuzu Police Spokesperson Inspector Paul Tembo has welcomed the judgment, saying this will motive the law enforcers in their zeal to combat crime in the city.

“The arrest and swift conviction of the six is an indication that the law enforcers have stepped up efforts in providing security in the city, after registering incidences of theft cases in the past months,” explained Inspector Tembo.

The six include Faduwik Chiwaya, Sam Kagunda, Precious Jonathan, Issa Ibrahim, Stonald Nkhoma, and Titus Chirwa.

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Last modified on Thursday, 17/08/2023

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