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Car Free Day Set for Friday

Car Free Day Set for Friday

A local organization on road safety has appealed to all motorists that this coming Friday should walk or cycle to their destinations in an attempt to reduce carbon emissions emanating from motor vehicles that pollute the environment.

Road Safety Alert Foundation Public Relations Officer Thokozani Chenjezi told us in an interview Thursday that this is a result of various negative effects of carbon emissions to the environment that Malawi and other countries are experiencing.

“Malawi has recently faced various natural calamities like cyclones, this clearly shows that the environment has been damaged. We also want to promote good health by walking and cycling, as well as, reducing road traffic accidents since the roads will have minimal traffic of motor vehicles,” said Chenjezi.

This will be the first-ever Car Free Day in Malawi being championed by the Road Safety Alert Foundation.

Road Safety Alert Foundation is a local organization affiliated with the Global Alliance of Non-Governmental Organizations on Road Safety and also SADC Alliance on Road Safety.

Meanwhile, Environmentalist Chikondi Gawa has welcomed the initiative saying at all costs Malawians should stand up to protect the environment which will eventually reduce carbon emissions.

Said Gawa: “These are issues we need to be talking about and doing in protecting the environment and healthy living. So, those who can afford should surely take part.”

On Friday this week, a Car Free Zone will be set up near Gemini house in City Center, Lilongwe where no car will be allowed to enter the zone from 6:00 am to 1:00 pm as a way of proving awareness of the initiative.

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Last modified on Friday, 29/09/2023

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