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Mwimba College of Agriculture Graduates 60

Malikebu: Recognised for exceptional performance Malikebu: Recognised for exceptional performance pic by Noel Mkubwi

The agricultural sector has gotten a boost of over sixty graduates who have completed their studies at Mwimba College of Agriculture in Kasungu.

The 17th graduation ceremony took place at the college campus on Friday. 

The students graduated with diplomas in general agriculture having spent two and a half years in hand on studies. 

Agricultural Research  and Extension Trust (ARET)  established the college in 1999 to train farmers and students in modern tobacco farming before intergating other courses related to agriculture. 

ARET Chief Executive Officer Dr Albert Changaya says the institution is striving to be accredited by the National Commission for    Higher Education (NCHE).

"We started with eleven students but our intake has increased to over 600 students and we intend to introduce degree programs once accredited," said Dr. Changaya.

He said the sixty four graduates will join a wagon of others who have passed through Mwica corridors and are significantly contributing to the country's agricultural sector. 

Controller of agricultural services Dr. Alexander Bulirani who was guest of honor said skilled agricultural front line  staff is key to developing the agricultural sector. 

He says the " country  is struggling with a high vacancy rate for extension workers to help spearheading modern farming technologies. 

Dr. Bulilani was however quick to advise the graduates to think outside the box rather than depending on white collar jobs. 

"Having acquired the necessary skills they can venture into entrepreneurship to create jobs for others," he said.

At the graduation, Jeremiah Malikebu was recognized as the best overall student having passed with a distinction. 


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