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Mother Group Concept Bares Fruits on Girls Education

Mother Group Concept Bares Fruits on Girls Education

Use of mother groups to promote girls Education in Salima has been hailed for making significant strides as many girls are now staying in school.

According to Primary Education advisor for Chipoka Zone Ralpheon Njovu through the initiative under the UN Joint Program on Girls Education cases of early marriages and school dropout among girls have reduced.

He was speaking on the sidelines of a community dialogue meeting in Chipoka Salima District.

"What these women do is that they follow up on every school going girl child and at times those who were married at a tender age to make sure they go to school and it is bearing fruits." he said.

He however suggests that by laws be put in place in villages to help the women so that the entire community is made to own the initiative.

The mother group concept involves women in encouraging girls to go to school and assist them with other facilities like homemade sanitary pads which has for along time been a barrier to girls education in rural setup.

According to a secretary for Ngodzi primary school mother group, Linda Nickson more girls are now showing interest to go to school but says a lot needs to be done so that even parents understand the need for girls to be in school.

"A lot of girls are now going to school, but its not easy, we meet resistance from some parents and guardians, others literally do not want their girl child to go to school." said Nickson.

Meanwhile The story workshop Trust is training youth groups in Theater for development which according to Given Chichitike, coordinater of the UN Joint Programme on Girls Education for story workshop believes the innitiative will help coax communities to devise measures of supporting girls education.

"This is not just drama, it is theater for development and the aim is for community be it leaders and their subjects find solutions to their problems through performances and we think it is the best tool to use on the promotion of girl child education." Chichitike said.

The UN JPGE is being implemented in 3 districts of Mangochi, Dedza and Salima.

Read 3685 times

Last modified on Monday, 30/03/2020

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