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Royal Institute of International Affairs Awards ConCourt Judges

Five Malawi judges who tried the Presidential election case Five Malawi judges who tried the Presidential election case

The Royal Institute of International Affairs has awarded five Malawi judges who tried the Presidential election case for upholding independence of the judiciary in their historic ruling of February this year.

Dr. Robin Niblett, Director, and Chief Executive says the choice of the Malawi judges as the prize winners among the nominees for this year, was made through a vote of all Chatham House members.

The prize could be presented to the judges in the near future in Lilongwe and also in the United Kingdom at the institutes London conference sometime in June next year.

The five judges are being hailed the world over for the manner in which they analyzed evidence and interpreted the law to arrive at the decision to order for a fresh presidential election in Malawi.

The Chatham House Prize was instigated in 2005 and is awarded on behalf of The Queen of England, who is the patron.


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Last modified on Monday, 26/10/2020

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