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Include Mental Health Issues in YFHS - Health Min. Tells NGOs

Include Mental Health Issues in YFHS - Health Min. Tells NGOs

Ministry of Health through the Reproductive Health Directorate in collaboration with Family Planning Association of Malawi, FPAM is conducting a Youth Friendly Health Services Strategy review in Dowa since the current strategy is ending in December this year.

The review exercise aims at looking back and taking stock of what has been the achievements, challenges, and best practices during the implementation of the strategic document from 2015 to 2020.

Experts have observed that stakeholders did well in the past 5 years in provision of reproductive health services ignoring mental health issues among the youths.

Deputy Director of Reproductive Health in the ministry of Health Henry Phiri said "partners should champion provision of mental health services in their youth-friendly health interventions amid rising cases of suicide and teen pregnancies in the country."

Meanwhile, Executive Director of FPAM Donald Makwakwa told Zodiak Online Monday that "as FPAM we will make deliberate measures in the yet to be established strategy to address emerging issues like COVID-19 and mental health issues."

66 percent of the country's population is under the age of 25 and access to Youth Friendly Health services is critical.

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