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Parley Passes 24 Votes, Opposition Question Some Allocations

Parley Passes 24 Votes, Opposition Question Some Allocations

When Parliament reconvened Wednesday afternoon, legislators seemed to be on the fast lane passing 24 votes in space of 3 hours.

Vote number 278, Unforeseen Expenditures attracted attention with members seeking to find out from Minister of Finance, Felix Mlusu justification for the increase in funding allocation.

The vote was initially given 2 billion kwacha and had been revised to 25 billion kwacha, representing a 23 billion kwacha increase.

Among those that contributed included, Mangochi South West, legislator who is also Chairperson of Public Accounts Committee of Parliament, Shadreck Namalomba who wanted to find out a justification for the increase.

Nsanje Lalanje lawmaker who is also Chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee of Parliament, Gladys Ganda also quizzed some reductions on allocations to health and education ministries when the need in such ministries is never ending.

In his response, Minister of Finance, Felix Mlusu justified the changes arguing the realignments were made based on the need.

Mlusu further said the unforeseen expenditure has shot by 23 billion kwacha due to costs incurred in administering Malawi School Certificate of Education among others.

“As you might be aware, late last year president directed that Malawi School Certificate of Education MSCE should be retaken due to reasons that we all know, leakage that took place. The president also directed that some funds should be released to help in combating Covid 19. These two factors led to an increase in unforeseen expenditures that currently stand at 25 billion kwacha” said Mlusu.

The Mid-Year Budget Review was proposed to move from 2.1trillion kwacha to 2.3 trillion kwacha.

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Last modified on Thursday, 11/03/2021

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