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Justice Msiska To Mediate Late Lule's Family Compensation Claim

Buleya Lule's wife Buleya Lule's wife

Judiciary says late Buleya Lule's compensations matter has been transferred to Justice William Msiska of Lilongwe High Court for mediation.

The family of late Lule is demanding a 250 Million Kwacha compensation which the Office of Attorney General under the then ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led administration refused to pay.

However, In July 2020, the family made a fresh request for the compensation to new Attorney General, and due to delay by the office to respond to the request, the family filed a summary Judgement to the High Court.

Registrar of High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal, Gladys Gondwe told Zodiak Online that Justice Msiska is yet to set it down.

"Matter has since been transferred to Justice Msiska for mediation. He is yet to set it down," said Gondwe in a written response.

Meanwhile, Lawyer for late Lule's family, George Jivason Kadzipatike has expressed optimism court will set a date soon as the matter has taken long.

"My clients are worried with delays to conclude the matter. However, with the Court transferring the matter to Justice Msiska for mediation, we are optimistic a date will be set soon," said Kadzipatike.

Late Buleya Lule was one of the suspects in the abduction and killing of a 14-year-old boy with albinism in Dedza. He died while in Police in February 2019.

Read 4186 times

Last modified on Monday, 22/03/2021

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