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CADECOM Impressed With Women Championing Elimination of GBV

Ronald Phiri, inspiring the displays organized by Titukule Msakambewa women club Ronald Phiri, inspiring the displays organized by Titukule Msakambewa women club

The Catholic Development Commission (CADECOM), one of the partners for Spotlight Initiative programs, has expressed satisfaction with how survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) are joining women clubs championing the elimination of violence against women.

The organization is happy with the role women and girls are taking in fighting GBV in the area of Senior Chief Msakambewa in the Dowa saying their efforts have led to more women championing for behavior change in GBV.

Ministry of Gender officials visited Chiponda in the area of Senior Chief Msakambewa under the support of Spotlight Initiative to appreciate the status of GBV response and stakeholder coordination, towards accelerated efforts to Eliminate Violence against Women and Girls (EVAWG) in all districts targeted by the Spotlight Initiative.

Speaking after Ministry of Gender officials inspected various displays organized by Titukule Msakambewa Women Club, CADECOM’s Project Officer, George Nkhoma, said with the support of the Spotlight Initiative, there is increased women participation in the fight against GBV.

Titukule Msakambewa Women Club comprising of 43 members is training one another in various skills such as adult literacy classes, tailoring, bakery, and beehive while others are involved in irrigation farming, using the treadle pump which was provided to them to ensure the sustainability of activities in the area.

"Even though the women club is fully established, the women are sailing through a sea of challenges to meet at one place at Chief Msakambewa’s headquarters due to long-distance they are traveling to and from Msakambewa Trading Centre. They also lack markets for their products," he said.

Nkhoma expressed hope that Spotlight Initiative will continue supporting the women group in the area in order for it to be a shining example so that other communities can emulate them by forming groups to fight GBV in their respective areas.

Ministry of Gender Chief Gender Development Officer, Ronald Phiri, encouraged the women to be self-reliant saying the club has a brighter future as evidenced by 16 women from amongst them who are able to write, read and use a computer.

Phiri assured the women that his ministry is committed to identifying potential markets for their products.

"We are very impressed with the displays. This is an indication that women and girls are championing the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls in the area of Chief Msakambewa,” he said.

Speaking earlier, one of GBV survivors, Caroline Pitala of Chiponda Village, said she has benefited from the club by gaining various skills which she could not have gained had she not joined.

The learning and support visit by the Ministry of Gender officials to Chiponda Village Development Committee, Titukule Msakambewa Women Club where they had a meeting with women and girls and survivors of GBV was supported by the Spotlight Initiative with funding from the European Union and United Nations.

Written By: Tiyanjane Mambucha-MANA

Read 3080 times

Last modified on Thursday, 03/06/2021

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