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Immigration Officers Threaten To Halt Operations

Immigration Officers Threaten To Halt Operations

Officers from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship services have threatened to stop rendering key services if the department will not address their grievances.

A leaked document addressed to the Director-General of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services, written by the Immigration department concerned staffs which is in our possession, the officers are demanding what they are terming as urgent attention from their bosses, to address their grievances.

On the list of the grievances, the officers are demanding urgent promotion of officers, further alleging that the minister of Homeland Security Richard Chimwendo Banda ordered that Officers from the department, be prompted by 1 July, but this has not happened yet.

Still, on the promotions, the officers are demanding objectivity in the manner in which they are to be carried out, based on academic and professional experience.

Further than that, the officers are also calling for the establishment of an Immigration department service commission and they also want to see an end to what they are calling, unstrategic transferring of officers.

When contacted for a response, the Director-General for the department Hannings Mlotha told Zodiak that the department is yet to get this document.
"My office is yet to receive the document," he said.

However, spokesperson for the Department Wellington Chiponde said that the officers should follow relevant channels for addressing their grievances.

"The officers need to understand and follow protocol in which such matters are handled," he said.

The officers have since threatened that they will stop rendering important services such as revenue collection should their demands not be addressed.

Read 3977 times

Last modified on Friday, 23/07/2021

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