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Media Council Consulting To Centralize Journos Accreditation

Kaufa; We are looking forward to centralizing accreditation of journalists Kaufa; We are looking forward to centralizing accreditation of journalists

Media Council of Malawi (MCM) says consultation with stakeholders to centralize accreditation of journalists is progressing and expects to be complete by the end of this year.

The organization's Executive Director, Moses Kaufa however feels with 714 journalists issued with press cards so far, their quest for media self-regulation and professionalism to addressing issues of gate-crashing is on track now.

"We are looking forward to centralizing accreditation of journalists as such consultations with Ministry of Information and Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority have already been done. By end of this year, all key stakeholders will be consulted," he said.

Media expert, Horace Nyaka believes accreditation will help in identifying journalists, and in the case they misbehave, aggrieved parties can approach their media houses or MCM.

However, on the conduct of journalists, Nyaka says it is important for event organizers to ensure that only bonafide journalists attend such events.

The country has over 1, 500 practicing journalists, according to the Media Council of Malawi.

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Last modified on Monday, 26/07/2021

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