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Parly Women Caucus Sound SOS Over Shortage Of Gender Officers

Parly Women Caucus Sound SOS Over Shortage Of Gender Officers

The parliamentary women caucus has complained over a huge vacancy rate of gender officers in district councils.

This according to the caucus is derailing efforts towards minimizing an increased spate of Gender-Based Violence (GBV).

Committee chairperson, Lonnie Chijere Phiri raised the concerns as members of the committee engaged with the ministry of gender, community development officials at parliament.

“Gender staff in other districts we have them but in others, we don’t have. But even if we have them, you find that it is just one or two so you are talking of a district that has ten constituencies, it becomes difficult to go around such a district to see what is happening,” said Phiri.
Principal Secretary in the ministry of gender, Isaac Katopola admitted to the challenges while citing, government is working towards addressing the situation.

“This is really true but through the district councils, we have always worked to find solutions to glaring issues including the one at hand. We will look into concerns that have been raised,” said Katopola.

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Last modified on Thursday, 05/08/2021

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