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Vocational Skills Trainings Key to Ending Unemployment- Kindle

Brick Layers showing delegates to the graduation what they have learnt Brick Layers showing delegates to the graduation what they have learnt

Kindle Orphan Outreach in Salima says vocational skills training among the youths remains the only sure way of reducing the high unemployment rate in Malawi where a majority of young people do not attain tertiary education.

The organisation's Executive Director Joseph Kandiyesa said this in Salima at the graduation of youths in trades of Carpentry, Bricklaying and Tailoring skills.

Kandiyesa says the perception of getting white collar jobs has rendered many Malawians in dire poverty and this can best be addressed if the underserved citizens are equipped with vocational skills training so they can be independent.

"We realized that most young people who have failed to make it to university have nothing to do and their hopes are almost shattered hence felt compelled to introduce vocational skills training as our contribution to job creation," said Kandiyesa.

Meanwhile, Technical Vocation Education Authority TEVETA's regional service centre manager for the centre Joseph Sambaya has since appealed for concerted efforts between government and private sector to meet the demand for vocational skills training.

"There is high demand for vocational skills training in the country as most youths are not able to attain university education and this requires collaborated efforts for the demand to be met just like Kindle has done," Sambaya said.

One of the graduates Esnart James says after failing Malawi Schools Certificate of Education examinations MSCE her future was almost doomed but with carpentry skills, attained she sees light ahead.

"The future looks bright, with the skills I have attained in carpentry and joinery I will now be able to address my personal needs," James told Zodiak online.

Nineteenth youths graduated at the Kindle Vocational skills centre in Salima in the first cohort and the second cohort of sixty has been recruited.

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Last modified on Monday, 23/08/2021

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