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Statehouse Mum On AIP, Covid-19 Jab & Drug Shortage

Kampondeni; matters of national interest are being scrutinized by the president  Kampondeni; matters of national interest are being scrutinized by the president 

Amid concerns surrounding the health sector which include shortage of drugs against the recommended population, Statehouse Director of Communications Sean Kampondeni says the ministry of health is investigating the matter so as to address the challenges.

Kampondeni told journalists in Lilongwe on Monday that despite government receiving close to a million covid-19 jabs from donors, government is still spending 5 United States dollars on each dose, adding it is improper to conclude that the country has not spent a penny on the inoculation program which is targeting 13 million citizens.

Kampondeni also said the fate of the Affordable Inputs Programme will be known in days to come and could not disclose if a decision has yet been made on the proposal for government to buy fertilizers straight from manufacturers.

On the position of the president regarding the emerging proposal for increased legal protection for the poor and vulnerable, Kampondeni said the president accepts any decision which will be made by stakeholders and the Ministry of justice.

Kampondeni also told members of the press that the president is currently scrutinizing matters of national interest which were recently presented to him by the Public Affairs Committee.

Meanwhile, the African-American Institute has granted Malawi recognition for its efforts in consolidating democracy in the past two years.

Statehouse has confirmed the award is expected to be conferred on Malawi on 21 September during the United Nations General Assembly in New York.


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Last modified on Tuesday, 14/09/2021

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