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EAM Donates Solar Water Pumps to Nkhotakota Farmers

Farmers showing the Solar Water Pump they received from  Evangelical Association of Malawi Farmers showing the Solar Water Pump they received from Evangelical Association of Malawi

Farmers from two Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) in Nkhotakota were all smiles on Wednesday when the Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) donated solar water pumps to help them irrigate their crops during winter cropping.

EAM donated the solar water pumps to Kaula and Pasavute Farmer Field Schools (FFSs) in Traditional Authority Kalimanjira and Mphonde respectively.

Speaking after the handover ceremony, Community Based Facilitator for Kaula FFS, Lucia Samson commended EAM for the donation.

“At first we were using buckets and Watering Cans to irrigate our crops which demanded so much manpower. With this Solar Water Pump we will now be able to irrigate a large area with ease, ” said a visibly excited Samson.

She said the Solar Water Pump, was one of her group's treasured assets and pledged to make the right use of it to realize their dream.

“We will make sure we take care of the water pump and make better use of it so that it benefits us and those who will come after,” she said.

Community-Based Facilitator for Pasavute FSS Chiza Haluma said the donation came at the right time when the soils were getting dry and the need to irrigate their banana field became necessary.

“We have many customers for bananas and many others who need the Suckers but we couldn’t meet the demand because of irrigation challenges and the coming of the Water pump solves our challenges,” Haluna said.

EAM Director of Programs for Central region, Amos Kalawe said his organization under Kulima Better project decided to make the donation after observing challenges the farmers were facing to irrigate crops.

He said with the solar-powered pumps, expectation is high of enhanced productivity in maize and other crops production, as well as open up an opportunity to grow other crops during the winter.

Representative of Nkhotakota District Commissioner, John Manda lauded EAM for the donation. He observed that the gesture was in line with Malawi vision 2063, pillar number one.

“This pillar encourages Agricultural productivity and commercialization and that is also contained in our District Development Plans which trickles down to communities," Manda said.

He said the District Council will ensure that the groups put the donated equipment to the right use through constant monitoring and extension service activities.

Manda also called on other well-wishers to emulate the example set by EAM, adding the district has over 800 FFSs in need of similar assistance.

EAM which is implementing Kulima Better project in Nkhotakota and Salima districts bought the two solar-powered water pumps at a total cost of K2.6 million.

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Last modified on Thursday, 16/09/2021

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