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World Vision Hands Over Projects to MW

WV Malawi National Director Francis Dube WV Malawi National Director Francis Dube

World Vision Malawi has handed over 213 infrastructure projects to the Malawi Government that were implemented in the 2020/2021 national budget.

The projects were implemented in the water, health, education, food and security sectors among others.

National Director for World Vision Malawi, Francis Dube as he handed over the projects on Friday, 10th June asked councils to come up with stringent measures aimed at sustaining the projects.

“What we have done is strong investment in capacity development to ensure that communities take ownership, our key investment in development is capacity, mindset change that’s where the focus is and ensure that there have laws that govern the infrastructure that have been built,” said Dube.

Minister of Water and Sanitation Abida Mia asked communities to own the projects, citing that partnering with councils would play a critical role in achieving growth in the cited sectors.

Mia spoke against increased incidents of vandalism while describing the tendency as a hindrance to national development.

“Communities should look after the toilets, taps and make sure that they are not stolen, we would like to talk to councils to advise them to take care of these projects that have been handed over to government,” Mia said.

The infrastructure projects were implemented at a tune of 1.8M dollars and have provided greater opportunities to children to attend school, improved health and attain access to portable water throughout the year.

For 37 years, World Vision Malawi has initiated relief and advocacy interventions in almost all the districts in the country.

Read 2978 times

Last modified on Sunday, 12/06/2022

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