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Govt To Upgrade Water Schemes

Govt To Upgrade Water Schemes

Water and Sanitation Minister Abida Mia has reaffirmed government commitment towards the rehabilitation of water schemes in areas which were heavily hit by Cholera outbreak.

Mia made the sentiments on Tuesday after inspecting Pump Aid-Beyond Water Professionalized Repairment Programme (PRM) in Dowa west constituency.

She said the government in conjunction with other stakeholders are now fixing and upgrading water points in readiness for the rainy season to contain water borne diseases.

"We are working towards complementing the 2030 sustainable development goal number six which advocates for availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all," Mia added.

Country Director for Pump Aid Beyond Water Simon Msukwa, is upbeat the programme will address WASH challenges in targeted districts of Dowa, Kasungu and Mchinji.

"We are committed to support government in the provision of potable water by maintaining both functional and non-functional boreholes to increase the numbers of people with access to water," Msukwa said.

Goal number 6 of the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals aims at ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Read 2822 times

Last modified on Thursday, 07/09/2023

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