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Chiefs for Intensified Awareness About Corruption & Related Laws

Chiefs for Intensified Awareness About Corruption & Related Laws

It is an undisputable fact that corruption remains one of the major threats to the country’s development aspirations and stakeholders have been calling for joint forces to deal with the vice.

Some paramount chiefs in the country have now implored authorities and other stakeholders to ensure community structures, such as anti-corruption clubs, have been established at all levels to help in dealing with the malpractice.

Paramount chief Kawinga observes that anti-corruption structures should not end at district or Area Development Committee (ADC) level but it should also extend to as far as village level.

“We know ACB already established committees at district level but these committees should also be at T/A, group village head and village head levels to help in raising awareness about the various laws on corruption and how corruption is affecting development,” says Paramount Chief Kawinga.

“These committees should also be composed of independent young people with integrity who will be able to hold everyone, including us chiefs to account,” he adds.

He says issues of corruption should be discussed at all levels to ensure that everyone is taking part in stamping out all forms of corruption at all levels of society.

Paramount Chief Kyungu, on his part, says much as the Anti-Corruption Bureau has done its part to sensitize local leaders about corruption, it is imperative to encourage every citizen to take the responsibility of ensuring a corrupt free society.

“I believe personally that government has set its tone clear on corruption - zero tolerance on corruption - and we have attended seminars, meetings, conferences on corruption, so, I, as a person, am aware of the dangers of corruption but it’s a war that can not only be waged by government,” said Kyungu.

“All of us must be patriotic, we must see corruption as an evil that erodes the very essence of development; it deprives people of the rights to development; it enriches a few individuals.”

The paramount chief has since urged citizens to start feeling that Malawi is their country and they must defend it.

Speaking to the media recently, ACB principal public relations officer Egrita Ndala said the bureau is using various forms of communication to sensitize the masses about corruption and its impact on national development.

National Anti-Corruption Alliance chairperson Moses Mkandawire, while concurring with the chiefs on the need to intensify awareness, also suggests the need to translate anti-corruption laws into local languages such as Chichewa, Tumbuka and Yao.

He also said the issue of integrity needs to be highlighted in the messages being shared with the general public on corruption prevention.

“We also need to have more laws, such as whistle blowers protection laws, in addition to what the chiefs are proposing, but let’s not leave the fight against corruption to the ACB alone, each one of us should take responsibility to stop corruption at all levels,” said Mkandawire.

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Last modified on Monday, 08/01/2024

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